Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Edwin Fotheringham

Edwin Fotheringham spent his formative years in Sydney, Australia, and was educated at the 
University of Washington School of Art in Seattle, where he lives today with his family. With work that has addressed subjects and markets as varied as punk rock and Neiman Marcus, The New Yorker and Ladies Home Journal, a Visa Card campaign and an elementary school auction, Mr. Fotheringham continues to enjoy solving visual problems with blotty lines. His work has a traditional "wood-blocky" feel to it, or even rough yet highly controlled ink line, I personally find appealing, (probably because I'm too neat with my drawing to readily emulate such a line). His humor isn't wrapped up in his compositions, only to be discovered by an enlightened audience, and holding nothing for the simpletons; but rather, it is plain and in your face, putting it's would-be 'heart' on it's metaphorical 'sleeve'. wow. that was deep.

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