Friday, November 6, 2009

Jerome Senaillat

I am a French graphic-designer, illus tra tor, and web de signer, liv ing — and work ing — in Japan since 2006.
I am also a happy mem ber of the
Ultra Su perNew team, a Tokyo based inter ac tive cre­ative agency, where I work as a mul ti me dia art direc tor.
I love to work on a whole bunch of side projects, on any kind of media, don’t hes i tate to
drop me a line if you think we could work together!

I like punkrock, giant pep per oni piz zas, con cep tual art and illus tra tion.
Also I love cats but I’m aller gic to them – I guess it’s an impos si ble love.

You can also find me at these places online:

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